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Quest System

Function Description

You can create various Quests, Tasks and completion conditions for the scene. Users will trigger task completion when they meet specified conditions.

The relationship between Quest and Task is as follows:

  • Quest: The main entity of subtasks, completing all the subtasks within it will complete the Quest.

  • Task: Subtasks that can have their own triggering completion conditions.

A scene can have multiple Quests, and each Quest can contain multiple Tasks.


How to Setup

Step1 : Click the “Viverse scene setting“ button on the left side corner.

Step2 : Add a quest by clicking the “+” button


Step3 : Here you can see all the config of the quest.



Quest name



Quest description



Start Automatically

If enabled, the quest will be activated when entering the scene.


Save User Progress

If enabled, save the quest progress for user. (WIP)


Tasks Are Ordered



Celebrate On complete

Can give a action after the quest is complete.


Add Task

add a task for this quest, you can add task by clicking the “+” on the right.


This is the config about task, you can add multiple task in a quest.


Task Description

Task Description

Task type

Check - A single completion condition.

Progress bar - Represented in a counting format.

Event listening - System coding defaults to trigger usage.

How to trigger task complete?

Once we've configured the Quest and Task settings, we need to establish the completion conditions for the Task. This can be achieved by setting up an Action in the Trigger & Action section to define how the trigger will be activated.



For setting up Triggers, you can refer to this article. As for the Action part, choose the category of the Quest.


delay in ms

Delay action by a few seconds before proceeding.

selected quest

Choose the Quest to trigger.

quest response

startQuest - Triggers the opening of a specified Quest.

resetQuest - Resets the progress of a Quest.

Addtaskprogress - Increases the progress by one, typically used to set collection quantities, corresponding to the progress bar in the task.

completetask - Completes a Task, can be selected in selectTask.




Quest System - Create A Quest System