This tool exports data, images, models, etc. from Unity and outputs the resources to a folder.
1. To import the Unity package, in Unity, go to menu option Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.
2. Navigate to the location of the PlayCanvasSceneCreator Unity package and select it. Click Open.
3. Click Import
4. Confirm the PlayCanvas folder has been created in the Assets window.
5. Go to menu option Window > Playcanvas > Playcanvas Transform Window.
6. Move the PlaycanvasTransformWindow tab beside the Inspector tab for easy access. Click the Export Playcanvas button.
7. The PlaycanvasBuild folder will be created inside the parent folder of the Unity project. If the Unity project's location is D:\Projects\Unity\Unity_PlayCanvas_Export_Sample, then the PlaycanvasBuild folder should be located in D:\Projects\Unity.
8. The files that will be imported into PlayCanvas can be found in the PlaycanvasBuild\ExportedAssets folder.