This document provides a guide for creating a Pet Rescue replica project.
The Pet Rescue game is a treasure hunt style game in which the avatar is placed in a 3D environment and has to search for multiple cats. The user navigates the world with their avatar and uses the mouse button to click on the cats to capture them. The game includes a quest system, scoreboard, timer and many other features that can be useful for creating games in VIVERSE. Read up on Pet Rescue here.
The Pet Rescue Sample Scene Project includes 2 scenes.
Original_Scene - The original Pet Rescue which can be found by searching in VIVERSE Worlds. Link
Tutorial_Scene - This scene contains a different iteration of the Pet Rescue. This is the scene that was created using the guides provided below.
Pet Rescue Template Project
Template_Scene - A stripped down version of Pet Rescue. The 3D environment and colliders have been removed and all the Pet Rescue core game mechanics have been left in the scene to help creators do what they do best, BUT FASTER! Read through the checklist below. The components listed as Required will need to be created and/or configured. The components marked as Optional are already added and configured in the project, but only need to be modified if the creator wants to customize.
Using The Pet Rescue Template Checklist
Required: A 3D environment needs to be added with collider(s).
Required: Spawn point is prebuilt, but requires customization of position and rotation for different environments.
Optional: 4 cat groups are prebuilt (GroupA - GroupD), but can be customized by adding or removing groups.
Required: 17 cat hiding positions are prebuilt (A1-A8, B1-B3, C1-C3, D1-D3), but require customization of position and rotation for different environments. Hiding positions can be added or removed.
Optional: 9 cat models are prebuilt and have been added to hiding positions. Cat models can be customized by adjusting the scale of the models and cats can be added or removed.
Required: Catbox is prebuilt, but requires customization of position, rotation and scale for different environments. Cat collect objects and cat models can be added or removed.
Optional: Random waypoint assignment object is prebuilt. Can be customized if cats or cat groups are added or removed.
Required: Instructions board and start button are prebuilt, but require customization of position, rotation and scale for different environments.
Optional: Countdown is prebuilt.
Optional: Scoreboard is prebuilt.
Optional: GameOver user interface is prebuilt.
Optional: GameManager object is prebuilt.
Optional: Quest system is configured for finding 9 cats, but can be customized if cats are added or removed.
Optional: Cat animations are prebuilt.
Optional: Audio including cat sounds, background music and celebration music are prebuilt.
Optional: Cat particle effects are prebuilt.
Setup 3D Environment
A 3D environment needs to be added to the template project. The basic process is in the following guide, but the process can differ based on projects.
Add the 3D model to the project
A. In the Assets window, create a new folder called Models.
B. Drag your 3D model into the Assets window.
Add the 3D model to the scene
A. Locate the 3D model's Template file inside the folder that was generated by the 3D model that was added to the Assets window.
B. Drag the Template file to the Hierarchy. In the sample project, lights were added to the model.
C. Update Position, Rotation and Scale of the model.
Add and configure the collider
A. In the Hierarchy, create a new entity for the collider.
B. Add a Collision component.
C. Change the collision type to Mesh.
D. Add the Render file to the Render Asset.
E. Add a Rigidbody component.
F. Update the Position, Rotation and Scale in order to match up the collider with the model.
Setup Spawn Point
The spawn point is already added to the template project, but needs to be configured for a desired Position and Rotation. The following steps show how it was setup and configured.
Create a spawn point
A. In the Hierarchy, add a new entity.
B. The spawn point's name is arbitrary, but the spawn-point tag needs to be added.
C. Update the Position and Rotation so that the location is above the ground.
D. At this point, the game can be published to VIVERSE for testing, ensuring that the avatar can traverse the environment.
Setup Cat Groups
The cat groups are already added to the template project, but groups can be added or removed as needed. The following steps show how they were setup and configured.
Configure cat groups
A. A parent entity called Cats which holds the cats and hiding positions.
B. GroupA, GroupB, GroupC and GroupD have been created. Cats are grouped based on poses. Groups can be added or removed.
Setup Cat Hiding Positions
The cat hiding positions are already added to the template project, but hiding positions can be added or removed as needed. Moving and rotating the cat hiding positions is recommended as opposed to moving and rotating the cat models.
Configure cat hiding positions
A. Each group has several hiding positions. In the sample, the positions under GroupA are named A1, A2, A3, etc.
B. Update the Position and Rotation for each hiding spot. Adding a cat model under the position can help with visually placing the position.
Setup Cat Models
The cat models are already added to the template project, but cat models can be added or removed as needed. The following steps show how they were setup and configured.
Cat models
A. Cat models are located in the Models/Cats directory.
Adding cat models in the scene
A. For each cat, drag the Template from the Assets window to a hiding position in the Hierarchy.
B. Select the cat in the Hierarchy.
C. Update the Scale for the cat model so the size is appropriate for the environment.
Add material
A. Select the first child object each cat.
B. Add the Cat_Material to the Materials slot.
Disable the cats
A. Select all the cats in the groups and disable them so that they are disabled by default.
Add the cat script to the project
A. Drag the cat.mjs script to the Assets window.
B. Click the parse button.
Add the fader script to the project
A. Drag the fader.mjs script to the Assets window.
B. Click the parse button.
Configure the cat models
A. Add the cat tag in the Tags field.
B. Add a Sphere Collider with Radius .5 and Position Offset(0, .23, 0).
C. Add the cat.mjs script.
D. Add the fader.mjs script.
E. Click the Edit Viverse Extension button.
Add the Viverse functionality
A. For each cat, add a NotificationCenterSubscribeEntityPicking trigger with throttle in ms set to 1600.
B. Add a EntityDisable action with delay in ms set to 2000.
C. Add a EntityEnableById action with the pick up specify execution entity set to the corresponding cat in the cat box. For cat 1, select cat_1_collect, for cat 2, select cat_2_collect, etc.
Setup Catbox
The Catbox is already added to the template project, but needs to be configured for a desired Position, Rotation and Scale. The following steps show how it was setup and configured.
Add the catbox to the scene
A. Drag the CatboxTemplate to the Hierarchy.
B. Place the Catbox under the Cats object.
C. Update the Position, Rotation and Scale of the Catbox to the appropriate parameters for the environment.
Add cat collect positions to the Catbox
A. Create a new entity for each cat under the CatBox entity. In the sample, the entities are cat_1_collect, cat_2_collect, etc.
Configure cat collect positions
A. Add the cat_collect tag to each cat collect position.
B. Update the Position, Rotation and Scale of the cat collect positions to place the cats in the appropriate locations.
Add the cat models to the cat collect positions
A. Add the cat models and paste them under their respective cat collect positions.
B. Update the Scale of each cat model to (.01,.0 1, .01).
Disable the cat collect positions
A. Select all the cat collect positions under the CatBox entity.
B. Disable all the cat collect positions so that the cats are hidden.
Setup Random Waypoint Assignment
The random waypoint assignment object is already added to the project and configured. It can be customized if cats or cat groups are added or removed. The following steps show how it was setup and configured.
Add the RandomWaypointAssignment script to the project
A. Drag the RandomWaypointAssignment script to the Assets window.
B. Select the RandomWaypointAssignment script and click the Parse button.
Configure the RandomWaypointAssignment entity
A. Create a new entity called RandomWaypointAssignment and add the RandomWaypointAssignment script to it.
B. Place a checkmark on the DebugMode checkbox for testing.
C. Add the number of groups to the Array Size box. In the sample, there are 4 groups. Add each of the 4 groups to the Waypoint Group Entity boxes. Add the number of cats in each group to the Random Entity box. Add each cat from the Cats entity to the boxes below the Random Entity box.
Test the RandomWaypointAssignment script
A. Publish the project to VIVERSE to test the script. Click the Reset button to confirm the cats are being placed in the appropriate locations. Remove the checkmark placed on the DebugMode checkbox on the RandomWaypointAssignment script to prevent the dialog box from showing in-game.
Setup Instructions Board With Start Button
The instructions board with start button object is already added to the project and configured. The following steps show how it was setup and configured.
Add the GameInstructionsBoard to the project
A. Drag the GameInstructionsBoard.fbx to the Assets window.
Add the GameInstructionsBoard to the scene
A. Drag the GameInstructionsBoard Template to the Hierarchy.
B. Select the GameInstructionsBoard in the Hierarchy.
C. Update the Position, Rotation and Scale of the GameInstructionsBoard to fit appropriately in the scene.
Add the GameInstructionsBoard texture to the project
A. Drag the Board_B_board_shader_BaseColor.jpg texture to the Assets window.
Update the GameInstructionsBoard material
A. Select the board_shader material inside the GameInstructionsBoard.fbx
B. Add the Board_B_board_shader_BaseColor.jpg texture to the Emissive texture slot.
Add the ButtonGroup texture to the project
A. Drag the ButtonGroup.png texture to the Assets window.
B. Right-click on the ButtonGroup.png and select Create Texture Atlas.
C. Select the Texture Atlas and click the Sprite Editor button.
Cutting the sprite sheet
A. For the Frame Count, add 3 to the Cols box and 4 to the Rows box.
B. Click the Generate Frames button.
C. Delete frames 10 and 11.
Generate the sprites
A. Rename each frame based on the button style.
B. Select each frame and click New Sprite From Selection to generate each sprite.
Add the Start-Btn.mjs script to the project
A. Drag the Start-Btn.mjs script to the Assets window.
B. Select the Start-Btn.mjs script and click the Parse button.
Create the start button
A. Under the GameInstructionsBoard entity, create a new button called StartButton. Remove the Text entity that is created under the button.
B. Update the Position, Rotation and Scale so the button fits appropriately on the board.
C. On the Button component, change Transition Mode to Sprite Change.
D. Add the 3 button sprites.
E. Add a Collision component and resize it using Half Extents.
Continue creating the start button
A. Update the Width and Height on the Element component
B. Add the start_normal sprite to the Sprite slot.
C. Add the start-btn.mjs script.
Setup Countdown UI
The countdown user interface is already added to the project and configured. The following steps show it was setup and configured.
Create a 2D Countdown
A. Create a new 2D Screen entity.
B. The Position is arbitrary because it's 2D, but moving it's position so that it's visible in the editor is helpful.
C. Set Priority to 1.
Add the font for the countdown
A. Drag the SFProText-Bold.ttf font to the Assets window.
Add the CountDown.mjs script to the project
A. Drag the CountDown.mjs script to the Assets window.
B. Select the CountDown.mjs script and click the Parse button.
Configure the countdown entity
A. Add the SFProText-Bold.ttf font to the Font slot.
B. Change the Text field to 3.
C. Update the Font Size and Line Height.
D. Change the Color to FAF5CD, the Outline Color to 3C5511FF and the Outline Thickness to 1.
Add the countdown script
A. Add the CountDown.mjs script to the CountDown entity.
Disable the countdown entity
Setup Scoreboard UI
The scoreboard user interface is already added to the project and configured. The following steps show it was setup and configured.
Add the Scoreboard.mjs script to the project
A. Drag the Scoreboard.mjs script to the Assets window.
B. Select the Scoreboard.mjs script and click the Parse button.
Add the scoreboard texture to the project
A. Drag the ScoreboardBg.png texture to the Assets window.
Create the scoreboard
A. Add an Image Element under the 2D Screen entity called Scoreboard.
B. Change Preset to Top Anchor & Pivot.
C. Change the Width and Height to 159 and 44.
D. Add the ScoreboardBg.png texture to the Texture slot.
E. Add the Scoreboard.mjs script to the Scoreboard entity.
Add the font for the CatCount
A. Drag the SFProText-Regular.ttf font to the Assets window.
Create the CatCount
A. Create a Text Element entity under the Scoreboard entity and name it CatCount.
B. Change the Position to (44, 0, 0) for X, Y and Z.
C. Update the Preset to Left Anchor & Pivot.
D. Add the SFProText-Regular.ttf font to the Font slot.
E. Change the Text field to 0/9.
F. Change Font Size and Line Height to 16.
G. Change the Color to FAF5CD.
Create the stopwatch
A. Create a Group Element entity under the Scoreboard entity and name it Stopwatch.
B. Change the Position to (83.567, -1, 0).
C. Update the Preset to Left Anchor & Pivot.
D. Change the Width and Height to 32 and 20.
Create the minutes text
A. Create a Text Element under the Stopwatch entity and name it Min.
B. Update the Preset to Left Anchor & Pivot.
C. Add SFProText-Bold.ttf font to the Font slot.
D. Change the Text field to 00.
E. Change Font Size and Line Height to 20.
F. Change the Color to FAF5CD.
Create the seconds text
A. Create a Text Element under the Stopwatch entity and name it Sec.
B. Update the Position to (35, 0, 0) for X, Y and Z.
C. Update the Preset to Left Anchor & Pivot.
D. Add SFProText-Bold.ttf font to the Font slot.
E. Change the Text field to 00.
F. Change Font Size and Line Height to 20.
G. Change the Color to FAF5CD.
Disable the scoreboard entity
Setup GameOver UI
The game over user interface is already added to the project and configured. The following steps show how it was setup and configured.
Add the game over texture to the project
A. Drag the congrats-bg.png texture to the Assets window.
Create a game over user interface
A. Create a new Image Element entity under 2D Screen.
B. Change the Width to 240 and Height to 177.
C. Add the congrats-bg.png texture to the Texture slot.
Add button container
A. Create a Group Element under the Congrats2D entity and name it Btns.
B. Change the Y Position to -121.234.
C. Change to the Preset to Top Anchor & Pivot.
D. Change the Width to 174 and Height36.
Add the button texture to the project
A. Drag the Button.png to the Assets window.
Create the restart button
A. Create a new Button under the Btns entity and name it Restart.
B. Change Preset to Top Left Anchor & Pivot.
C. Change the Width to 83 and Height to 36.
D. Add the Button.png texture to the Texture slot.
Create the restart button
A. Create a new Button under the Btns entity and name it Restart.
B. Change Preset to Top Left Anchor & Pivot.
C. Change the Width to 83 and Height to 36.
D. Add the Button.png texture to the Texture slot.
E. Add the startBtn.mjs script to the Restart button entity.
Update the restart button text
A. Change the Position to (0, 0, 0).
B. Change the Preset to Center Anchor & Pivot.
C. Update the Text field to Restart.
D. Change MaxFont Size to 10 and Line Height to 30.
E. Change to Color to FFFFFF.
Add the Close-Btn.mjs script to the project
A. Drag the Clsoe-Btn.mjs script to the Assets window.
B. Select the Close-Btn.mjs script and click the Parse button.
Create the close button
A. Create a new Button under the Btns entity and name it Close.
B. Change Preset to Right Anchor & Pivot.
C. Change the Width to 83 and Height to 36.
D. Add the Button.png texture to the Texture slot.
E. Add the Close-Btn.mjs script to the Close button entity.
Update the close button text
A. Update the Text field to Close.
B. Change Max Font Size to 10 and Line Height to 32.
C. Change Color to FFFFFF.
Add the timescore script to the project
A. Drag the time-score.mjs scrip to the Assets window.
B. Click the Parse button.
Create the time display text group
A. Create a new Group Element under the game over entity and name it TimeScore.
B. Change Position to (0, -5.361, 0).
C. Update Height to 20.
D. Add the time-score.mjs script.
Add Roboto-Bold font to the project
A. Drag the Roboto-Bold.ttf font to the Assets window.
Create the text for minutes
A. Create a new Text Element under TimeScore and name it Min.
B. Change the Position to (-23, 0, 0).
C. Add Roboto-Bold.ttf font to the Font slot.
D. Update the Text to 00.
Create the text for seconds
A. Duplicate the Min entity under TimeScore and name it to Sec.
B. Change the Position to (23, 0, 0).
Disable the GameOverUI entity
Setup GameManager
The GameManager object is already added to the template project and configured. The following steps show it was setup and configured.
Add the GameManager script to the project
A. Drag the game-manager.mjs script to the Assets window.
B. Select the game-manager.mjs script and click the Parse button.
Create the GameManager entity
A. Create a new entity and name it GameManager
B. Add the game-manager.mjs script.
Setup Quest system
The quest system is already added to the template project and configured, but quest tasks can be modified, added or removed. The following steps show how it was setup and configured.
Open Viverse Scene Settings
A. Click on the Vivese Scene Settings button
Create a quest
A. Add a new Quest and name it Pet Rescue.
B. For Quest Description, add the text:
It's lunchtime, but the cats are still hiding around...Quickly find them, click them, and bring them back to their cat tree hideout.
C. Add a new Task and for the description, add the text: 9 cats, how many can you find?
D. Change the Task type to progressBar.
E. Update Progress Steps to 9.
Starting the quest
A. Select the StartButton and click Edit Viverse Extension button. Add the NotificationCenterSubscribeEntityPicking trigger.
B. Select the Quest action type with the selected quest set to Pet Rescue and quest response set to startQuest.
Add progress to the quest
A. For each cat, add the Quest action under the NotificationCenterSubscribeEntityPicking trigger.
B. Change selected quest to Pet Rescue, change quest response to addTaskProgress and then change selected task to: 9 cats, how many can you find?
Setup Animations
The animations are already added to the template project and configured. The following steps show how they were setup and configured.
Create the animation state graph
A. In the Assets window, right-click and create a new Anim State Graph.
Rename animation state
A. Rename the animation state to CatAnim.
Add animation to the cats
A. Add an Anim component to each cat.
B. Add the Cat Anim State Graph to the State Graph slot.
C. Locate the animation file inside the cat fbx.
D. Add the animation file to the CatAnim state slot.
Setup Audio
The audio files are already added to the template project and configured, but the project can be customized to play different sounds and music. The following steps show how they were setup and configured.
Add the cat audio files to the project
A. Drag the cat audio files to the Assets window.
Create the sound entity
A. For each cat, create a new entity under it. Rename it to cat1, cat2, etc.
B. Add the Sound component and change Max Distance to 50.
C. Rename the Slot 1 to cat1, cat2, etc. Add the cat1.wav, cat2.wave, etc. to the Asset slot.
To add cat sounds
A. On each cat, locate the NotificationCenterSubscribeEntityPicking trigger.
B. Add the EntityPlaySound action under the NotificationCenterSubscribeEntityPicking trigger. Change sound name to play to cat1, cat2, etc. Add the cat1 Sound entity to the pick up specify execution entity.
To add background music
A. Drag the Funny20Puzzle20loop.mp3 to the Assets window.
B. Create a new Sound entity and name it Music.
C. Uncheck Positional and set Volume to .4.
D. Add the Funny20Puzzle20loop.mp3 to the Asset slot, place a check on Auto Play and Loop.
To add celebration music for completing the quest
A. Drag Quest_Complete.mp3 to the Assets window.
B. Create a new Sound entity and name it QuestComplete.
C. Uncheck Positional and set Volume to .5.
D. Update the Name slot to celebrate, add the Quest_Complete.mp3 to the Asset slot and change Volume to .8.
Add Viverse functionality for celebration music
A. On the QuestComplete entity, add the NotificationCenterSubscribe trigger and celebrate to the notification name to subscribe.
B. Add the EntityPlaySound action, add celebrate to sound name to play and add the QuestComplete entity to the pick up specify execution entity.
Setup Particle Effects
The particle effects are already added to the template project and configured. The following steps show how they were setup and configured.
Add particles to the cats when clicked
A. Firework is a PlayCanvas Template (prefab) that can be copied from one project to another.